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edeXa Developer Settings

Upon logging in, click on the profile icon indicated by the arrow.

edeXa API Page

Navigate to the developer settings card on this page to create and manage the edeXa Lego API.

edeXa API List Page

Here, you will find your edeXa Lego API keys. Click the New Key button to generate new lego API keys.

edeXa API List Page

Enter a Key Name for your API keys. You can choose a scope of Admin or leave it blank to create a Custom Key. Below are the API keys for our edeXa application.

edeXa API List Page

These are the edeXa Lego keys with their respective permissions. You can create custom Lego keys with tailored permissions.

edeXa API List Page

After selecting your Lego keys and their permissions, click Generate Key to create them.

edeXa API List Page

Here are your clientId and secretKey. Use them to access subscribed Lego APIs.

  • Note: This information is critical and is displayed only once. You won't be able to access it again, so be sure to Download or securely store it.

edeXa API List Page

Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully created your edeXa Lego Keys. You can view your created Lego keys using the View icon and delete them using the Delete icon.

edeXa API List Page