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Getting Contract Instance with EdexaClient

The edexaClient provides a convenient interface to interact with different types of Ethereum smart contracts. Among its functionalities, it offers two specific methods, getERC20Instance and getERC721Instance, to instantiate the ERC-20 and ERC-721 token contracts respectively. These instances allow developers to interact with the corresponding token standards with ease.

getERC20Instance Method


This method allows developers to acquire an instance of an ERC-20 token contract, enabling them to interact with the contract's methods and properties.

Method Signature

getERC20Instance(contractAddress: string): ERC20Instance


contractAddressstringThe Ethereum address of the ERC-20 token contract you wish to interact with.


  • An ERC20Instance object that encapsulates the functionalities of the ERC-20 token located at the specified contract address.

Usage Example

const erc20Address = "0x4DB67190e915C15aA8CCd889F35185D73dA37878";
const erc20 = edexaClient.getERC20Instance(erc20Address);

getERC721Instance Method


This method allows developers to obtain an instance of an ERC-721 token contract, thereby offering a straightforward way to interact with the unique functionalities of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Method Signature

getERC721Instance(contractAddress: string): ERC721Instance


contractAddressstringThe Ethereum address of the ERC-721 token contract you aim to interact with.


  • An ERC721Instance object that embodies the features of the ERC-721 token situated at the given contract address.

Usage Example

const erc721Address = "0xD519C0B20A67983896791B8bf53005292a1D2710";
const erc721 = edexaClient.getERC721Instance(erc721Address);

getStableCoinInstance Method


This method is designed to create an instance of a StableCoin contract. It is useful for interacting with stablecoin contracts on the blockchain network specified by the given RPC URL.

Method Signature

getStableCoinInstance(address: string, rpc: string, provider?: any): StableCoin


  • address: string - The address of the StableCoin contract.
  • rpc: string (optional, default = "") - The RPC URL of the blockchain network.
  • provider: any (optional) - A custom provider for web3 interactions.


  • Returns a new instance of StableCoin configured with the specified address and RPC.

Usage Example

const stableCoinInstance = getStableCoinInstance("0x123...", "");


  • Ensure you provide valid Ethereum contract addresses when utilizing these methods. Incorrect addresses could result in errors or unintended behavior.

  • After obtaining the respective instance (either ERC20Instance or ERC721Instance), you can call various methods pertaining to each token standard.

  • Always refer to the official documentation of the respective library and contracts to gain a deeper understanding of the functionalities and available methods.