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📄️ Our Blockchain Ecosystem

edeXa takes on a permissioned Blockchain approach, meaning only trusted and verified entities can participate in the ecosystem of infinite possibilities. It uses the most secure open-source Distributed ledger technology like hyperledger fabric at its core. Making it lightning-fast, and secure without compromising the privacy of its users. Organizations in the edeXa Universe create a consortium with other companies (galaxies) and data of transactions that happen in the consortium are only stored on the nodes participating in that consortium.

📄️ Legal and general risk information

edeXa Aktiengesellschaft is subject to Liechtenstein law. It is incorporated in the legal form of a stock corporation. edeXa is registered in the commercial register with the registration number FL-0002.593.297-0. The sole shareholder and holder is the parent company io-market AG. edeXa issues the Security Tokens as non-voting shares under Liechtenstein law. See further details in the corresponding whitepaper at . In all publications, unless otherwise stated, the German version applies in each case. A lawyer specialized in token sales supported edeXa AG in the company formation and implementation of the token sale.