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The getBalance method fetches the balance of a specific Ethereum address for the associated ERC20 token. This method belongs to the ERC20Instance object returned by the getERC20Instance method of EdexaClient.

Method Signature

getBalance(address: string): Promise<BigNumber>


addressstringThe Ethereum address for which the balance needs to be retrieved.


  • A Promise resolving to a BigNumber representing the balance of the provided Ethereum address in terms of the ERC20 token.

Usage Example

First, instantiate the desired ERC20 token contract using its contract address:

const erc20 = edexaClient.getERC20Instance("0x4DB67190e915C15aA8CCd889F35185D73dA37878");

Then, call the getBalance method by providing the desired Ethereum address:

const address = "0xF6E234C71F1bB45ABa51c977137eF090b2df2Fe5";
const balance = await erc20.getBalance(address);
console.log(`Balance: ${balance.toString()}`);


  • Ensure that the Ethereum address provided is valid; otherwise, the method might throw an error or return incorrect data.
  • The returned balance will be in the smallest unit of the ERC20 token (e.g., Wei for Ether). You might need to convert it to a more readable format using the token's decimals.