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The removeFromBlacklist method is used to remove an Ethereum address from a contract's blacklist. This is particularly useful in scenarios where addresses are restricted from certain operations due to compliance or security reasons. The method is part of a contract that implements blacklisting functionality, allowing for dynamic management of address permissions.

Method Signature

async removeFromBlacklist(_account: string, signer: any): Promise<any>


  • _account: A string representing the Ethereum address to be removed from the blacklist. This can be either a direct Ethereum address or an ENS name.
  • signer: An object representing the signer of the transaction. This is usually a wallet or an entity with the required permissions to invoke this method.

Return Value

The method returns a promise that resolves to the transaction result of the blacklist removal operation.

Example Usage

let result = await contractInstance.removeFromBlacklist("0x1234...abcd", signer);

In this example, contractInstance is an instance of the contract containing the removeFromBlacklist method. The method is called with the address to be removed from the blacklist and the signer object. The result of the transaction is then logged to the console.


  • It's important to handle exceptions that may arise from this operation, such as the address not being on the blacklist or the caller not having sufficient permissions.
  • The method internally calls resolveENSOrReturnAddress to resolve any ENS names to their corresponding Ethereum addresses before proceeding with the removal.