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The getBalance method for the ERC-1155 token standard retrieves the balance of a specific token ID owned by a specified Ethereum address. Unlike ERC-721, which tracks ownership of individual unique tokens, ERC-1155 allows users to own multiple quantities of a particular token type. The method is part of the ERC1155Instance object, which can be obtained through an appropriate method of the EdexaClient or the relevant library.

Method Signature

getBalance(userAddress: string, id: string): Promise<BigNumber>


userAddressstringThe Ethereum address for which you want to retrieve the token balance.
idstringThe specific ID of the ERC-1155 token for which the balance is being checked.


  • A Promise resolving to a BigNumber that indicates the balance of the specified ERC-1155 token ID owned by the given Ethereum address.

Usage Example

First, instantiate the desired ERC-1155 token contract:

const erc1155 = edexaClient.getERC1155Instance("your ERC-1155 contract address here");

Then, call the getBalance method for the desired Ethereum address and token ID:

const userAddress = "0x2c360D20cE6b3D8b466511eF093C9177c3817B94";
const tokenId = "token-specific-id";
const tokenBalance = await erc1155.getBalance(userAddress, tokenId);
console.log(`Token Balance for ID ${tokenId}: ${tokenBalance.toString()}`);


  • ERC-1155 is a multi-token standard where a user can own multiple quantities of a specific token type. The getBalance method provides the balance for a specific token ID owned by an address.

  • Always ensure the validity of the Ethereum address and token ID provided; otherwise, the method might throw an error or return inaccurate results.