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The mint method for the ERC-1155 token standard facilitates the creation of a specified quantity of a token with a given ID for a specified Ethereum address. This functionality is pivotal for various applications, such as issuing rewards or creating new token batches. The method is incorporated within the ERC1155Instance object, which can be fetched through the relevant method of the EdexaClient or a similar library.

Method Signature

async mint(
userAddress: string,
id: string,
amount: string,
data: string = "0x",
signer: WalletSigner
): Promise<TransactionResponse>


userAddressstringThe Ethereum address receiving the minted tokens.
idstringThe specific ID of the ERC-1155 token to be minted.
amountstringThe quantity of the token to be minted for the provided ID.
datastringAdditional data or bytes to accompany the minting function, defaulting to "0x".
signerWalletSignerThe wallet signer instance responsible for signing the transaction.


  • A Promise resolving to a TransactionResponse, which contains details about the minting transaction.

Usage Example

First, instantiate the desired ERC-1155 token contract:

const erc1155 = edexaClient.getERC1155Instance("your ERC-1155 contract address here");

Then, call the mint method with the appropriate parameters:

const recipientAddress = "0x2c360D20cE6b3D8b466511eF093C9177c3817B94";
const tokenId = "specific-token-id";
const mintAmount = "100";
const dataBytes = "0x"; // Optional data bytes
const signer = edexaClient.createWalletSigner("your private key");

const mintTransaction = await, tokenId, mintAmount, dataBytes, signer);
console.log(`Mint Transaction Hash: ${mintTransaction.hash}`);


  • The mint method enables the dynamic creation of ERC-1155 tokens. Ensure proper permissions when invoking this method, as unrestricted minting can lead to vulnerabilities or imbalances.

  • Always validate the Ethereum address, token ID, and other parameters before invoking the mint method to prevent errors or unintentional minting.